“I often read books that are very good. Occasionally I find a book that is like a tsunami in my inside world. This is one of those books. Surrounded by disingenuousness, misinformation, coverup, and outrage, Dr. Reimer speaks with a different voice. With humility and vulnerability, he leads the reader into the heart of a Heavenly Father that deeply loves us, and invites us into a relationship of trust, grace, and truth.”
How do we develop a deep, lasting intimacy with God?
One of the problems with being a Christ follower is that we can substitute religious expressions and religious behaviors for authentic experiences and encounters without even know we are doing it. The longer we go to church the more we know the right words to say and the right things to do, but we can easily say those words and do those things without transformational intimacy with Jesus. If we are not careful, we can start with significant, transformational encounters with God, but end up with dusty old religion.
In Authentic, I will explore the following:
What is religion and how do we avoid falling into its traps and snares?
How does intimacy with God and people work?
How do we develop depth with God and sustain it over a lifetime?
What are the practices and attitudes that we can develop to help us draw near to God so we can learn to live an authentic spiritual life in Christ?
We don’t want to settle for the counterfeit, when Jesus offers us abundant life.
216 pages $14
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