Developing Faith that Releases the Power of God
“Faith is a conduit that carries the presence and power of God to our ordinary circumstances to produce extraordinary results for the glory of the Father.”
Developing Faith that Releases the Power of God
“Faith is a conduit that carries the presence and power of God to our ordinary circumstances to produce extraordinary results for the glory of the Father.”
192 pages
Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, all who have faith in me will do the works that I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these” (John 14:12). The extraordinary promise of Jesus is that we can do Kingdom works that He did – cast out demons, heal the sick, save the lost and set the captives free.
Jesus wants to advance his Kingdom through us. But this promise comes with a condition: the level of our Kingdom activity is dependent upon our faith.
There are promises in Heaven that God wants to release, but they cannot be released without faith. There are miracles that God wants to do that cannot be done without faith. There are answers to prayer that God wants to unleash that cannot be unleashed without faith. There are works of the Kingdom that God wants to accomplish that cannot be accomplished unless the people of God develop deeper faith. But there is hope for all of us, because faith can be developed.
Faith opens doors and creates opportunities for accessing God’s power against all odds. Faith is a difference maker, a future shaper, a bondage breaker, a Kingdom mover. Faith is not static; it is dynamic. We can and must take an intentional path toward developing our faith if we want to see the works of the Kingdom in greater measure.
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“The message of this book could be summed up in this section: “When what we read in Scripture doesn’t match up with our own experience, we only have two options: Either we lower the expectations of Scripture to explain away our impotent experience, or we intentionally seek to elevate our experience and our faith to come into alignment with Scripture.” Using John 14:12-14 as a template, Dr. Reimer challenges his readers to move from wherever they are in their faith journey, into a new realm of certainty about the goodness and power of God. As is the case with other books by Dr. Reimer, the message comes through as profoundly balanced, taking a high view of the Scriptures with an eye towards moving towards the experience and power of the ancient faith it espouses. You can grow in your faith and nurture it beyond it’s current state, and this book ‘Deep Faith’ offers some keen insights into the “how”. Highly recommended.”