Soul Care Conference
Viewing Party with Live Triads and Live Q&A with Rob
October 16-17 and October 23-24
Northern Beaches Alliance
Cnr Forest Way & Naree Road,
Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086
Attend with a few trusted friends and find freedom and fullness in Christ as you process through Biblical principles for a healthy soul.
Sometimes the bitterness, shame, fear and pain that is filling our soul keeps us from fully experiencing the peace and joy that Christ has for us. Take a few days to learn and apply Biblical principles for healing the soul and overcoming broken and sinful areas of life!
Identity/Overcoming Lies About Yourself
Breaking Family Sin Patterns
Forgiving Others
Healing Wounds
Overcoming Fears
All times are for SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA
Friday 16th October 7-9pm
Saturday 17th October 9-5pm
Friday 23rd October 7-9pm
Saturday 24th October 9-5pm
Ministry time will be provided for participants to process their own journey and walk with others through healing (this is called your "triad," as groups of 3 people work really well.)