This is a LIVE, ON-SITE Conference in San Diego, CA
EARLY BIRD $75 through March 30th
(plus a chance to get your ticket price refunded!)
Regular price $100
Bitterness, shame, fear, sin and pain that is filling our soul can keep us from fully experiencing the peace and joy that Christ has for us.
Take a few days to learn and apply Biblical principles for healing the soul and overcoming broken and sinful areas of life:
Identity/Overcoming Lies About Yourself
Breaking Family Sin Patterns
Forgiving Others
Healing Wounds
Overcoming Fears
See the video below for a description of the content and topics of the conference and a sample of Dr. Reimer's teaching.
The conference is based on Dr. Reimer's book, Soul Care: 7 Principles for a Healthy Soul, and is designed to assist attendees in processing through these principles in their own lives. Ministry and triad times are crucial parts of this conference (see below for more about triads.) Click here to order a copy of Dr. Reimer's book Soul Care. While it is not necessary to read the book in order to benefit from the conference, it may help you to begin your journey, particularly if you have experienced deep wounding. If you would like to be involved in a pre-conference event with one of the sponsoring leaders of this event, please visit
During each day of the conference, ministry time will be provided for participants to process their own journey and walk with others through healing. This is called your "triad," as groups of 3 people work really well together! This is an integral part of the conference as life change happens best in community with other believers, and many people find that the relationships that people develop during soul care continue long after the conference has ended.