Soul Care Conference- Morden, MB
Thursday, April 13, 9 AM – 5 PM
Friday, April 14, 9 AM – 5 PM
Saturday, April 15, 9 AM – 3 PM
Regular Price CAD $130
Brokenness grasps for the soul of humanity. We are broken body, soul, and spirit, and we need the healing touch of Jesus. Soul Care explores seven principles that are profound healing tools of God:
Identity/Overcoming Lies About Yourself
Breaking Family Sin Patterns
Forgiving Others
Healing Wounds
Overcoming Fears
Dr. Rob Reimer will challenges participants to engage in an interactive, roll-up-your-sleeves and get messy process — a journey of self-reflection, Holy Spirit inspiration, deep wrestling, and surrender. It is a process of discovering yourself in true community and discovering God as He pierces through the layers of your heart.
See the video below for a description of the content and topics of the conference and a sample of Dr. Reimer’s teaching!
This Soul Care Conference is LIVE.
During each day, ministry time will be provided for participants to process their own journey and walk with others through healing. This is called your “triad,” as groups of 3 people work really well together. This is an integral part of the conference as life change happens best in community with other believers, and many people find that the relationships that people develop during soul care continue long after the conference has ended.