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Emotional Healing Livestream

Tuesday, February 6 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm ET (NY Time)

Everyone gets hurt and emotionally wounded in life.  We all suffer loss, pain, grief, and heartache.  How do we process our emotional pain and access God's healing presence and power?

Ron and I had lunch together in December and decided to do a livestream on emotional healing. It had been a tough season with the loss of ATS. Then in January our dear friend Martin Sanders died unexpectedly. I find myself with deep sadness, yet profound gratitude for my friendship with Martin, his life and our eternal hope in Christ.

Ron and I decided we are not going to teach in this upcoming livestream, as much as dialogue about loss, pain, and hardship. How do we access deep emotion? What resources are there to help us to process and heal? What are some of the lies and root issues that get exposed in painful times? How do we access God’s healing presence? We welcome you to come and process with us in our loss and grief and to discover paths of hope and healing. The livestream will be February 6 at 6:30PM ET. You can sign up on the link below and it will be available for a couple of weeks after so you don’t need to be present at the time of the event.

  There will also be time for Q&A. 

Dr. Ron Walborn, Asbury Theological Seminary, joins Rob for this 3 hour livestream to give insight on emotional healing.  A link for the livestream will be sent to all ticket holders around noon on Feb. 6 (just after ticketing closes.)


Videos of the session will be available to attendees for 2 weeks following the conclusion of the workshop.