“After reading the book several times, participating in conferences in person and online, handing out dozens of copies of the book and walking with several people through the soul care process, I can say that this teaching has been one of the most transformational understandings in my walk with Christ. I highly recommend Rob Reimer’s work!”


“Before I went through the process of Soul Care, I was doing a thousand different, very good Christian activities. I was digging into Bible studies, memorizing scripture, attending church constantly… you name it.

I had two major presenting issues that I could not reconcile however – I could absolutely not access stillness in God’s presence and I could actually feel a block between me and the deeper, “Living Waters” that I knew were there. I knew those Waters were there because I had read my Bible, but I was stuck with only my toes touching the ebbing flow of the tide.

After these months of processing and a total life confession, I experienced deliverance…and I accessed stillness…I heard His voice and I tasted sweet, Living Water.

I urge you, press in, fight the battles that need to be fought, process your own Soul Care and find the Deeper Waters on the other side of this journey.”


“The principles of Soul Care unlocked some major things in my life that led to an exponential growth in my spiritual formation, freedom and walk with the Father…I walk more firmly and securely in my identity knowing what is a lie from the enemy, and knowing the truth from God. I have been freed from bitterness and anger by understanding the power and necessity of forgiveness. Soul Care led to my deliverance session, that freed me from a lifelong attack of sleep paralysis…and now I am helping fellow brothers & sisters get freed from their soul issues and spiritual issues…”