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'“It’s all about life change” - Dr. Rob Reimer


 Rev. Dr. Rob Reimer’s passion is to see the kingdom of God advance through spiritual renewal.  As Founder and President of Renewal International, Rob works with pastors, leaders and churches internationally to equip the people of God to live in freedom and to walk in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit.  His books Soul Care, Deep Faith, River Dwellers, Pathways to the King, and Calm in the Storm have sold worldwide.

Rob speaks regularly to pastors and ministry leaders at conferences and has a developing ministry mentoring Christian leaders.  Personally transparent, Rob relates lessons learned as he walked with God, responded to His Word, and processed pain in marriage and ministry, finding freedom and fullness in Christ.  During conferences, these lessons are not only taught, but participants actively begin the process of incorporating them into their lives, walking in the light with God and others, and practicing hearing from God and accessing His power for ministry.

In addition to his work with Renewal International, Dr. Reimer is currently Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at Alliance Theological Seminary in Nyack, NY. Classes he has taught include: Personal, Professional and Theological Foundations for Ministry, Evangelism, Mentoring, Pastoral Methods, Soul Care, Proclamation & Communication I & II, Spiritual Leadership, Power Encounter, Intimacy & Authority, and Missional Leadership.

Ordained, Christian and Missionary Alliance 1993

  • B.S. in English, King’s College

    1. M. Div., Alliance Theological Seminary

    2. D. Min. in Preaching, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary



Invite Dr. Rob Reimer to speak at your event

Rob is a sought-after conference speaker, leading Soul Care Conference™, Holy Spirit Weekend™, Soul Care 2™, and Deliverance Training Workshop™, which are unique in that they are not just passive teaching but incorporate experiences for participants.